Shze-Hui Tjoa is a writer from Singapore who lives in the UK. Her debut, The Story Game (Tin House Books, 2024), is a genre-bending memoir about storytelling, siblinghood, c-PTSD, having been a child musician, and deconstructing/finding the self. It has been listed as a nonfiction book of May by Book Riot, a best book of summer by The Boston Globe, and was the July/August "Literary MagNet" feature in Poets & Writers Magazine.
Shze-Hui writes about and beyond herself - and is particularly interested in creative nonfiction that challenges formal conventions to speak the deepest possible truth to power. She has press and interviews in, or upcoming in, BOMB Magazine, Electric Literature, The Millions, The Rumpus, Between the Covers podcast, and elsewhere. Her work has been listed as notable in three successive issues of The Best American Essays (2021-23). Shze-Hui is currently a nonfiction editor at Sundog Lit, where she works to spotlight writers from different backgrounds and bring them into conversation. Her career has received support from the Tin House Summer Workshop, Ceriph Mentorship Programme, Disquiet International, and VONA/Voices, among other arts organizations. |